Faith is a living, bold trust in God's grace, so certain of God's favor that it would risk death a thousand times trusting in it. Such confidence and knowledge of God's grace makes you happy, joyful and bold in your relationship to God and all creatures. The Holy Spirit makes this happen through faith. Because of it, you freely, willingly and joyfully do good to everyone, serve everyone, suffer all kinds of things, love and praise the God who has shown you such grace. - Martin Luther

Thursday, February 28, 2013

It's our turn to serve

On Sunday, March 3rd Christ the King is scheduled to serve dinner at the Bozeman Community CafĂ© from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. We need seven caring adults (over the age of 18) who can greet hungry people, make them feel welcomed, serve them a hot meal, and bless them with Christian hospitality.
If you are interested in serving, please contact Pastor Grant at 406.451.4249.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The power of song

Gather Us In                ELW 532

Here in this place, new light is streaming

now is the darkness vanished away.

See, in this space, our fears and our dreamings,

brought here to you in the light of this day.

Gather us in - the lost and forsaken,

gather us in - the blind and the lame.

Call to us now, and we shall awaken,

we shall arise at the sound of our name
Twenty years ago, I served United Lutheran Church in Eugene, OR as their tenth intern.
The first verse of the hymn “Gather Us In” will always be a part of my memory of internship because of the line “Gather us in, the lost and forsaken, gather us in, the blind and the lame” During the singing of the hymn, members of United Lutheran marched into the worship space, including a man who was blind and a woman who was lame.

It dawned on me as I sang the hymn, here is a vision of God’s kingdom here on earth today, fulfilled in my midst.

Tears rolled down my cheek as I sought to compose myself for the beginning of the worship service, struck by the emotion of the moment. “How in the world did a church hymn strike deep into my heart and give me a vision of God’s kingdom?”
“Here in this place, new light is streaming

Now is the darkness vanished away

See in this space, our fears and our dreamings

Brought here to you in the light of this day.”
May the music we sing and play during worship bring us each a glimpse of God’s kingdom breaking in among us.