Reformation Day is always October 31st (the day Luther nailed the 95 theses to the castle church door in Wittenberg in 1517). We CELEBRATE Reformation Sunday on the last Sunday of October every year, which is THIS Sunday, October 25th.
Remember to
wear red to worship as we celebrate not only the beginning of the Reformation almost 500 years ago, but also the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in the church today.
A thought for you, from volume 26 of Luther's Works:
Let us thank God, therefore, that we have been delivered from this monster of uncertainty and that now we can believe for a certainty that the Holy Spirit is crying and issuing that sigh too deep for words in our hearts. And this is our foundation: The Gospel commands us to look, not at our own good deeds or perfection, but at God himself as he promises, and at Christ himself the Mediator. [God] says: 'I am giving my own Son into death, so that by his blood he might redeem you from sin and death.' 'Here I cannot have any doubts unless I want to deny God altogether. And this is why our theology is certain: It snatches us away from ourselves ... so that we do not depend on our own strength, conscience, experience, person or works but depend ... on the promise and truth of God, which cannot deceive.'