Faith is a living, bold trust in God's grace, so certain of God's favor that it would risk death a thousand times trusting in it. Such confidence and knowledge of God's grace makes you happy, joyful and bold in your relationship to God and all creatures. The Holy Spirit makes this happen through faith. Because of it, you freely, willingly and joyfully do good to everyone, serve everyone, suffer all kinds of things, love and praise the God who has shown you such grace. - Martin Luther

Friday, April 3, 2009

Real Invitations

Our community's mission statement indicates that we are a group of people who reach out to others with a welcome and witness. Wishful thinking in a mission statement is not necessarily a bad thing.

After seven and a half months here, my experience has been that CtK IS a very friendly group of folks, who have built a space that feels good to be in. That said, there's a difference between being friendly and offering real welcome. I can think of more than one occasion when I've gone somewhere and the people were really friendly, but I also knew I wasn't really welcome - there was no place for the real me. So, we continue to grow in our understanding of hospitality and welcome, realizing that "new" folks don't have to be (or become) just like "us" in order to have a place here.

The witness side of things is another story, I think. People continue to look at me like I'm speaking a language from another planet when I talk about inviting folks to join us in worship, study or service. We know it's not always easy to do something for the first time, but it will never get easier if we never try in the first place.

The Good News/Evangelism team gave the go-ahead to order and print up several BIG stacks of postcards that can be used as invitations to worship and fellowship during Holy Week and Easter. Grant and I were very intentional about handing a couple of those cards to each person who worshiped here last Sunday: we stood, as usual, at the doors out of the sanctuary, to greet people and shake hands - and hand off the postcards. I saw folks smile at me and say "good morning," and then look over their shoulders to see if anyone was watching as they put their postcards down on the table. Is it really THAT HARD to hand someone a postcard and say, "hey - check it out"? I'd be fine if folks said, "My pastors told me I have to give this to you" and then walked away (okay, maybe not).

I wonder why it's so difficult for people even to extend a simple invitation, especially when said invitation is printed and ready to go. Are they embarrassed? If so - by what? That they're part of a community of faith? By their congregation? By their friends? Are they ashamed? (I hope not - Jesus had something to say about those who are ashamed of him...) Are they afraid?

If so, what is it exactly that we are so afraid of? Jesus is Lord of heaven and earth. Not even death can hold him down (Easter is not about the bunny). We don't need to worry - he's got our backs. And we're afraid someone might say "no thanks" to a friendly invitation?

Come on, people of God - it's time for action. Besides, it's FUN! I have never had a bad experience inviting people to worship - even people I've never met previously.

We're heading out tomorrow afternoon - meet at CtK in the sanctuary at 2pm for a quick training and sending out. We'll be done by 4pm.

Questions? Let me know!

1 comment:

joelair said...

Dudets and Dudes

We the Lair Clan will be there to hand out the stuff along with any others that will be there! We'll be the ones with the bells on.
