Faith is a living, bold trust in God's grace, so certain of God's favor that it would risk death a thousand times trusting in it. Such confidence and knowledge of God's grace makes you happy, joyful and bold in your relationship to God and all creatures. The Holy Spirit makes this happen through faith. Because of it, you freely, willingly and joyfully do good to everyone, serve everyone, suffer all kinds of things, love and praise the God who has shown you such grace. - Martin Luther

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Lutheran College Fair (and application fee waivers!)

Here's a great event to encourage youth and their families to attend this weekend. The schedule:
2pm = Registration; 2:15pm = Financial Aid Seminar; 2:45-4:00pm = College Fair (Reception & Hors d'Ouvres).
All families attending will receive FOUR APPLICATION FEE WAIVERS (up to a $60 value each), applicable for any Lutheran College/University listed on the fee waiver.

Yes, it's BHS's prom, but if you're a high school student or parent, this event is for YOU!

Lutheran Educational Conference of North America
Lutheran College Fair
Saturday May 8, 2-4 p.m.
Hope Lutheran Church
2152 W Graf St, Bozeman, MT

What student age group benefits from attending a Lutheran College Fair?
The college search process has changed dramatically over the last decade. Families are beginning to plan much earlier in an effort to find the best “fit” for their child. Visiting college campuses can be an expensive proposition if you wait until your high school years to begin familiarizing yourselves with the wide variety of college experiences available. Family vacations now often include stops on college campuses.

If your child is in elementary school, it would benefit parents to participate in the financial aid seminar held in conjunction with the Lutheran College Fair. This seminar is applicable to all families, regardless of the choice of college/university. The financial aid process is much more easily navigated if you get an early start on understanding the process, the system, and how to maximize your opportunity to receive financial aid (scholarships, grants, work-study, loans).

If your child is in middle school, he/she can greatly benefit from discussions with admissions representatives about high school course selection. Parents can benefit from the financial aid seminar and discussions with admissions representatives pertaining to high school course selection. There are specific requirements in the high school curriculum necessary for preparation for college. Attending a Lutheran college fair can be a fabulous motivator for a middle school student. You will have an opportunity to get on the mailing lists for those colleges/universities in which you are interested.

If your child is in high school, the college search process is usually in full swing, so students of all high school grades can greatly benefit from conversations with admissions representatives regarding their potential major, athletic participation, fine arts opportunities, summer plans, and how to go about applying for scholarships. Students and parents should seriously plan several college visits beginning as early as the freshman year in high school. A college fair offers a unique opportunity to begin to establish relationships with counselors at Lutheran colleges/universities nationwide.

Check out more information about Lutheran colleges and universities at

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