This Lent, CtK joins thousands of other ELCA congregations in ELCA World Hunger's 40 Days of Giving. A daily devotional booklet, a piggy bank, and the challenge from CtK's 40 Days of Giving Team to give $0.25/day will help us learn about hunger issues, and make a difference in our world. Look for occasional guest posts from team members during this season!
Power Supply
February 7, 2016
My computer crashed this weekend and perhaps in a causative
yet reflective way, so did I.
How do I write an inspirational “devotion” addressing ELCA
World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving for CtK’s website when I am swamped trying to book tickets and Airbnb rentals for my
daughter Natalie and my long-awaited trip to meet Jeff in Italy next month? One
night spent in a European hostel could feed an African village for at least a
day! Our wealth and opportunity in the
face of world-wide poverty and oppression makes my “circuits” cross and
shutdown. Sorting out thoughts,
feelings, and experiences with hunger and poverty, and more importantly
rebooting myself to take action in helping alleviate it, is about as looming
and complex for me as trying to understand the operation of my aged computer.
Can’t we just fix it?
I am thankful for the insight and guidance of others - in
particular to Joel and “the computer guy” who tell me that it’s possible my
computer “just” has a power-supply issue; diagnose that and it could continue
to still have a use in my life - cool!
Power-supply issue…hmmm, could this help explain my own “shut-down” lately
when it comes to feeling like I have little purpose, reflected in even less
effort , in helping end hunger and poverty?
“Open the eyes of my heart, Lord…” The song we sang in worship today reminded me
that Jesus is our never-failing Power Supply, who can plug hearts back into seeing,
feeling, and caring for all of God’s children and their wellbeing. I can’t fix poverty or feed the whole world,
but connected to Jesus I can be useful in someone’s life in some way that can
makes progress in doing so.
Once again, I am thankful for the insight and guidance of others
- in particular the ELCA World Hunger 40-day devotional book and adult forum studies/discussions
that will happen during Lent in our families and church. With our Power Supply issue diagnosed (like
my computer, I hope), we can wake up to the invitation of participating in
life-changing work and “refresh” our efforts in ending hunger and poverty here
at home and overseas.
With you together on our 40 Days of Giving journey-
Barb Benson
CtK 40 Days of Giving Team
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