I am so thankful for the many cans of soup that were received during the Souper Bowl of Caring held Sunday, February 1st.
Gallatin Valley Food Bank is helping a record number of requests for food. Every contribution, whether big or small, helps them carry out their important mission.
The national peanut scare has caught our attention in regards to food safety. I love peanuts like the next kid, whether young or old. I am not a happy camper if I miss my morning routine of coffee, The Wall Street Journal, and peanut butter smeared on two slices of Wheat Montana Toast. I also love peanut products, like that Thai Peanut salad dressing from Trader Joe’s that makes my lips sting.
When moving the cans of soup from the worship space last week, I noticed three cans of soup that had expiration dates prior to February 1st, 2009.
Yuck! Who would want to eat food that has expired? My colleague and wife is always after me to throw out fuzzy and moldy leftovers from the fridge. I am always after her to use up the black bananas for banana bread, or to throw them out.
When you make a food contribution to Gallatin Valley Food Bank or to Christ the King, I am asking each and every one of you to look at the expiration date on the food you are bringing from home, and to throw out any item that has passed its stamped expiration date.
I know I need to be better at using up leftovers in the fridge at home, and encouraging Lindean to bake those black bananas.
If you’re going to have a food scare, let it happen at home. Please don’t let it happen at Christ the King.
We’ve had enough food scares for 2009.
In Christ,
Pastor Grant AKA Fuzzy Leftovers Guy