Faith is a living, bold trust in God's grace, so certain of God's favor that it would risk death a thousand times trusting in it. Such confidence and knowledge of God's grace makes you happy, joyful and bold in your relationship to God and all creatures. The Holy Spirit makes this happen through faith. Because of it, you freely, willingly and joyfully do good to everyone, serve everyone, suffer all kinds of things, love and praise the God who has shown you such grace. - Martin Luther

Thursday, October 16, 2008


The Great Pumpkin is coming, Charlie Brown. Okay, maybe not, but Halloween IS coming. Some Christians I know get pretty uptight this time of year, because they've done a little more research about the pagan origins of Halloween traditions than they wish they'd done. And yes, it's true, there are some interesting old ideas at work. Perhaps I'll write more about some of those as we get closer to the day. My thought is, that most kids (and adults) DON'T know all the history, but that doesn't keep them from enjoying the dressing up and hoarding of candy. Much like Christmas (unfortunately), Halloween has been thoroughly "Americanized" and "sanitized." And yes, for many kids, Halloween is a lot of fun.
Hence - Trunk-or-Treat. Here's how it works: members and friends of CtK can sign up in the narthex and then buy candy or other treats to hand out. On the 31st we'll gather in the parking lot at 5:30pm and decorate our trunks. Come in costume, or not. From 6:00-7:30pm members and friends of CtK as well as neighborhood kids will come and "trunk-or-treat" in the parking lot, where the lights will be on and the traffic will be stopped. We'll have hot cider and coffee in the social hall so folks can stay warm, and information about the congregation, Reformation Day (which is also the 31st) and All Saints Day (which is November 1st - All Hallows Eve is the night before All Saints Day).
PLEASE sign up this Sunday, October 19th, to bring your trunk and treats to Trunk-or-Treat, so we'll know we will have enough folks here to make a go of it.
It'll be fun!

1 comment:

joelair said...

Yahoo! Yipppeeee! Trunk or treat was a blast! The Lair clan had a blast and we are really looking forward to next year! We have some ideas on how to help out and make it bigger and better.

Thanks to everyone that came we really enjoyed ourselves.

Joe Tanya Cory Lizzy and Quinn