Faith is a living, bold trust in God's grace, so certain of God's favor that it would risk death a thousand times trusting in it. Such confidence and knowledge of God's grace makes you happy, joyful and bold in your relationship to God and all creatures. The Holy Spirit makes this happen through faith. Because of it, you freely, willingly and joyfully do good to everyone, serve everyone, suffer all kinds of things, love and praise the God who has shown you such grace. - Martin Luther

Friday, December 28, 2012

The Fourth Day of Christmas

Happy Fourth Day of Christmas!

Today is the Day of the Holy Innocents, Martyrs. The infant martyrs commemorated on this day were the children of Bethlehem, two years old and younger, who were killed by Herod, who worried that his reign was threatened by the birth of a new king. Augustine called these innocents "buds, killed by the frost of persecution the moment they showed themselves." Those linked to Jesus through their youth and innocence encounter the same hostility Jesus encounters later in his ministry. (From Sundays and Seasons Year C 2013, published by Augsburg Fortress)

If you want to read about the Holy Innocents, head to Matthew 2:16-18. 

As much as this story is a "downer" in the midst of Christmas, it serves as a reminder that Jesus was born into the real world, a world full of beauty and love, yes, but also full of danger and sin. Perhaps it can inspire us to offer blessing and care to the "Holy Innocents" of our times and places.

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