Faith is a living, bold trust in God's grace, so certain of God's favor that it would risk death a thousand times trusting in it. Such confidence and knowledge of God's grace makes you happy, joyful and bold in your relationship to God and all creatures. The Holy Spirit makes this happen through faith. Because of it, you freely, willingly and joyfully do good to everyone, serve everyone, suffer all kinds of things, love and praise the God who has shown you such grace. - Martin Luther

Friday, July 18, 2014

Take This Bread: A Radical Conversion

The Friday morning small group finished reading/discussing Learning to Walk in the Dark, by Barbara Brown Taylor, this morning. I think everyone in the group would recommend it!
And we chose a new book, Take This Bread, by Sara Miles, which we'll begin discussing on Friday, August 1st at 7:00am at Clark's Fork. The chapters are quite short, so we'll be discussing the first three.
ALL ARE WELCOME to join the conversation. Pick up a copy at your favorite bookseller, get reading, and join in! Questions? Just ask!

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