Faith is a living, bold trust in God's grace, so certain of God's favor that it would risk death a thousand times trusting in it. Such confidence and knowledge of God's grace makes you happy, joyful and bold in your relationship to God and all creatures. The Holy Spirit makes this happen through faith. Because of it, you freely, willingly and joyfully do good to everyone, serve everyone, suffer all kinds of things, love and praise the God who has shown you such grace. - Martin Luther

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Advent ahead of time

We're still waiting. And I'm beginning to feel a little bit like it's Advent ahead of time - you know, the four weeks before the celebration of the Incarnation of Our Lord (aka Christmas) - when we are encouraged to wait and watch and be prepared.
And yet this waiting, for this baby, is different from the yearly round of waiting for Jesus to be born. After all, Christmas comes pre-printed on the calendar, and the 25th of December comes quite predictably, whether you're ready or not. And weirdly, at the same time, this waiting, for this baby, is the same as the yearly round of Advent reminders that Jesus really is coming back - I know the baby is coming, I just don't know when. I've done what I can to prepare, but now what? How to live in the meantime?
Do you remember that you're living in the meantime, most days? Does it even enter your mind that today could be the day when Jesus comes back and everything will be new all over again? If not, why not? Does it- or would it - make any difference in your life? Why (or not)? How?

PS - Grant and I are each working on a blog entry or two that will be posted while we're on parental leave (post-dating blog entries is one of the wonders of blogger). So, even when we're gone, you might check in for something new.

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