Faith is a living, bold trust in God's grace, so certain of God's favor that it would risk death a thousand times trusting in it. Such confidence and knowledge of God's grace makes you happy, joyful and bold in your relationship to God and all creatures. The Holy Spirit makes this happen through faith. Because of it, you freely, willingly and joyfully do good to everyone, serve everyone, suffer all kinds of things, love and praise the God who has shown you such grace. - Martin Luther

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sermon reflection for Sunday 3 October 2010

Read Luke 17:5. Lord, increase our faith!

Questions from FAITH TALK as mentioned in my sermon.

1. Most people know times when Christianity seemed to be nothing more than a set of rules and regulations. What restriction troubled you as a child or youth? Why?
2. Do you or your friends ever talk about religion or what faith means to each of you? Describe.
3. How does someone in your day to day setting express faith through actions?
4. In what situation would it be the most awkward for you to talk about your faith? Why?
5. Christ asks us to “take up our cross and follow” him. What comes to your mind when you consider what this command might mean for you?
6. How does your Christian faith relate to your everyday life?
7. The Ten Commandments describe a life style associated with the Christian life. Which one seems to be ignored most today? What prompts your choice?

1. List and prioritize the five things you value most.
2. If someone asked you what your faith means to you, what would be your response?
3. Did you ever go through a period of doubting there is a God? Tell about it.
4. What benefit do you see from believing that Christ is present in your life?
5. How do you distinguish between a true faith and a false faith?
6. What is childlike about your faith?
7. How has your faith changed since you were a child?

1. What is one of your favorite Bible passages? Why is it significant to you?
2. What piece of music says something about your faith? In what way?
3. What unique symbol of faith is most important to you?
4. If you could choose one person to be your spiritual mentor or guide, whom would you choose? Why?
5. Tell about a time when your faith seemed especially weak.
6. Do you find Sunday worship services a good experience? Why or why not?
7. What effect does nature have on your faith?

1. Tell about a childhood religious education (Sunday School) teach you remember. Why does this person stand out?
2. What traditions or rituals did your family have at Easter time? Christmas time?
3. What was the first religious song you learned?
4. Recall a humorous event that occurred at your church.
5. Tell about a sermon or inspirational talk you remember.
6. Tell about a time when God seemed to be far away?
7. What do you wish your father had told you about his father?

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